Absolutely nothing to say at the moment. Just sitting around trying to finally kick this cold and running to Hawaiian Gardens to play some cards. If nothing else, I get cheap food at a decent price. Yesterday wasn't all that great, money-wise.
I pretty much sat and treaded water for six hours. Never had the hammer hand. And was pretty much card dead the whole way through. I finished up. Not by much though. Basically enough to cover the travel and the food. I think in the whole time I was there, I pulled one nut hand. And maybe had face pairs twice. It was a slow day. Definitely not like going in the other day and pulling nine buy-ins out after four hours.
There's a discount buy-in on a Saturday tourney with enough hours of table play, so at least I've got that under the belt. And winning small is definitely better than losing at all.
I've watched a lot of dumbfoundingly bad play over the past 15 hours in the room, though. People calling even odds with a 10% chance of taking down a pot. Flushes betting into blatant boats (two pair on board and two other people in the hand) . Low pairs calling obvious overs. Trips betting into four-flushes. Makes one sit and go, "huh?" People astound me in their ability to assume that they're better than they are.
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